Pleiadian Energy Therapy

Terapia Holística

Our planet is experiencing a process of accelerated transformation that takes place every 13,000 years. More changes are manifesting to physical and energetic levels and we feel these changes on a personal level. If we don’t spend some time daily to connect ourselves with Source, we can manifest imbalance and all kind of sicknesses.

All sicknesses can be healed if we harmonize the root cause present in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
My focus is to guide you in the process to reconnect yourself with your Higher Self of the light, as well as, to help you to release factors that are causing you inner and outer conflict. These sessions are effective in person and remotely, since we are primarily energy and we are all interconnected through the time and space. Some of the techniques that I use were utilized by ancient civilizations such us Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt.

At the beginning of the session, I will identify your core issues for the present moment. The objective is to heal your aura, chakras, soul, subconscious, unconscious and energetic bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and astral) through different processes:

• Removing possessions (dark entities, spirits, energetic parasites, black magic and control devices)
• Eliminating negative beliefs and contracts that stock your spiritual growth and that can be affecting you from past lives
• Removing energies of trauma, pain, fear and shock
• Removing energetic cords from other people from this lifetime and from past lives
• Repairing energetic matrixes and sacred geometry
• Healing trauma from past lives
• Healing your Soul including black holes
• Clearing and activating your Kundalini energy and your tantric channels
• Healing your inner child
• Getting information from your Akashic records.

I also offer more advanced processes which are described below, for those who are interested in working more consistently and getting to the next level of clearing and healing.

Nervous system healing/clearing: The nervous system gets degenerated and congested through living in the modern world, which causes difficulties connecting with higher vibrational frequencies and to be able to channel those energies in the physical body. Once your nervous systems is clear and healed, you will experience a sense of balance and wellbeing which will allow you to raise your vibration. It can be done in person only and the duration is 90 minutes.

• Astral Body healing: The astral is the energy body that leaves the physical body while we are sleeping/dreaming, and it looks like you. Both bodies are connected through a silver cord in the 3rd chakra (solar plexus chakra). Through the years our astral body has been exposed to positive and negative encounters with nonphysical Beings of light and darkness depending on the vibration that you had right before going to bed. Every time that you had consumed alcohol, recreational drugs or when you maintained for a consistent time low vibrational frequency emotions such as depression, anger, revenge or fear; it is highly probable that you had attacks in the astral plane and your astral body is holding the shock, pain and it could even have missing some parts of the astral body, which affect the physical body. The duration of this healing depends on the state of your astral body (minimum 2 hours).
• 8 original cells healing/clearing: The 8 original cells are the first cells that are created in a new human being after conception. These cells are in the perineum area. They bring information from previous lifetimes that influence our personalities, health, and other areas in life. By doing this process, the person can go to the next level of evolution by releasing a lot of karmatic programming. This process is not available for pregnant women. It can be done in person and by distance. The duration is 6 hours.

• Flushing of the 7 main chakras: This process aligns the chakras from the conscious and subconscious side after individual healing/clearing in their new way and helps to integrate all the changes deeply and releases traces of the old negative programming. It can be done in person and by distance and the duration is 90 minutes.

• Organ/gland cellular clearing: This process heals a specific organ or gland on a cellular level, allowing the organ/gland to release the root programming that was causing illness or sensibility and stimulates its healing and activation. It can cause cleansing reactions after it is performed, such as diarrhea and rashes on the skin and it is not available for pregnant women. The duration of this process is 2 hours.

• Kundalini channels clearing and activation: The kundalini is an electrical and activating energy that we all hold within us. It is pure creation energy. There are 3 types of kundalini energies: body, cosmic and earth. The Kundalini channels can get congested over the years because of our past experiences, lifestyle and mental patterns. Clearing the body kundalini channels help in the rising of the sexual and life force energy up the spinal channel and through your chakras. Kundalini flow is vital to the flow of tantric energy and spiritual growth. The duration of this process is 2 hours.

• Soul retrieval, clearing and healing: The Soul Matrix is an energetic structure in the body that anchors the Soul Essence which is the purest form that a person can have in this dimension. It has the geometrical shape of a Merkabah. When a soul incarnates it will first anchor here into the body for the duration of a lifetime. The soul is an aspect of our multidimensional being that we are. This part of us can be deeply affected by trauma from past lives and the current lifetime and it can cause the soul matrix to be broken with missing pieces, black webbing, pain, black holes, cords, negative programs, etc. By applying this powerful process, the person will have an opportunity to get access again to the soul guidance and it is a powerful tool for awakening our consciousness and evolution. The duration of this process is 2 hours.

• Healing inner child trauma: as adults many of us are carrying deep pain, wounds or trauma from difficult experiences and living conditions with our parents, caregivers, school and other environments we were exposed to while growing up. As a result, our relationship with ourselves, and the patterns of energies we take on as childhood conditioning can get twisted and distorted in order for us to survive. This process allows us to visit some of our childhood traumas and to release the elements that are holding us back from living our best life. This process can be done in person and by distance and the duration is 90 minutes.

1 Session

90 minutes

Package of 5 sessions

7.5 hours
(Save $150)

Package of 10 sessions

15 Hours
(Save $500)