Pleiadian Lightwork certification Full Sensory Perception Level 1 (84 hours online course)
This is a program for accelerating your spiritual growth. FSP is the beginning program in the Dolphin Star Temple. Stepping into modern spirituality is a specifically designed beginners’ course to empower you with the tools to hold and clear your own energy day by day. This course is for anyone, and no experience is necessary.
You learn to open your full sensory perceptions of clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition, and channeling healing energy. It is a path toward wholeness, Oneness, and becoming consciously responsible for aligning with the Divine and maintaining a connection with God/Goddess/All-That-Is. In FSP you learn self-help tools for releasing ego-identity and clearing what holds you back on your spiritual path. Class sessions include group meditations, spiritual teachings, activations and supervised healing work conducted in pairs.
FSP is for those seeking deep personal healing and clearing and requires 84hrs of commitment. It can be an experience that redirects your life toward your spiritual fulfillment and living in impeccability. It is also for those interested in learning the healing skills needed to be a healing practitioner or teacher.
Dolphin Star Temple (DST)
Is a Mystery School that continues the spiritual traditions begun by the great American healer and teacher Amorah Quan Yin (1950-2013). It is founded on the universal teachings of the ancient Mystery schools of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Egypt. And it also introduces new teachings for the extraordinary time we live in now—many of these teachings have been received from the Ascended Masters and the Archangels, as well as from the Pleiadian, Sirian, and Andromedan Emissaries of Light. The head office is currently based in Mt. Shasta – California and its teachings are well known in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Netherlands and Norway.
- Going in and out of trance & setting sacred healing space
- Kundalini Channel Clearing and Activation
- Reading, Healing & Activating the 7 Chakras
- De-programming Patterns & Beliefs
- Clearing Lower Vibrational Energies (dark entities, etheric control devices, etc)
- Clearing Karma from present life and past lives
- Soul Matrix clearing and healing
- Soul Fragment retrieval
- Activating Pineal Gland
- Accessing Akashic Records
- Clearing Inner Child Trauma
- Using Chambers of light
- Clearing Addictions
COURSE INVESTMENT: $2600 USD (3-month payment plan available)
DATES: The course begins on Saturday October 19th - 1 day per week (Saturdays only) for 12 consecutive weeks.
HOURS: from:
- 10am to 6pm EDT (Time in Toronto and New York).
- 7am to 3pm DST (Time in Vancouver and San Francisco)
- 4pm to Midnight (Time in Central Europe).
FORMAT: Limited to 12 people - zoom based.
CERTIFICATION: at the end of the course, you will get a certification emitted by the Dolphin Star Temple – Mystery School based in California – USA as a Full Sensory perception Level 1 practitioner. This certification will give you all the tools to start your practice as an intuitive / energy healer or to boost it if you have any other previous training.
COURSE MATERIALS: manuals, PDFs, meditation recordings, and more.
SUPPORT AND ACCESS: follow-up sessions, group chats and lifetime access to course recordings or materials.
BONUS: all participants will have access to a lifetime private sessions discount.
TEACHER: Roberto Játiva
Roberto is a clairsentient energy healer with 24 years of experience. Over the years, he has developed the precise ability to identify your limiting core beliefs (ego personality) and karmic lessons that you bring from past lives and this life. Also, when he journeys into your conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious mind he can accurately reveal, heal and transform past wounds which are disempowering you. He is a Minister, spiritual healer and teacher of the Dolphin Star Temple.
His mission includes private reading/healing sessions, meditation and personal development seminars, spiritual retreats in Ecuador, intensive in person and online healing programs and Pleiadian Lightwork trainings.