On a spiritual and karmic level these situations are often explained because we subconsciously hold parts of ourselves who are not in complete alignment with that goal or intention. These parts of us get in the middle, sabotaging the manifestation: I call these the self sabotager within.
We are complex beings, and it is important that we learn that the self sabotager within is a wounded part of us from the past and it is very powerful. It comes from traumatic experiences that originated in past lives, showing up as recurring/pending lessons in early stages of this lifetime and affecting our everyday life and manifestation. The self sabotager within knows no limit to its reach, often touching many areas of our life such us health, relationships, spiritual growth, career, finances and can cause in us a sense of being defeated by our challenges, failure, lack of motivation, procrastination and even depression. At an energy level, unhealed wounded areas keep suppressed negative memories and emotions as a breeding ground for energetic parasites, and dark entities.
I will share with you a few real-life cases I have encountered in my practice as a Pleiadian Energy Healer to show the scope of impact these limiting programs can have in different areas of our lives.
Example 1 - Physical health: One woman in her late-30’s was trying to get pregnant. She had never considered being a mother but as she was healing, she felt the inspiration to do it and she tried different approaches for about 3 years with no success. Since she was a teenager, she struggled with several health problems in her 2nd chakra and reproductive system such as irregular menstrual cycle, lower abdominal pain just before or during menstruation, PCOS cysts on her ovaries and infertility due to hormonal unbalances. We identified a lot of traumas in her childhood with the mother (harsh, judgmental, and absent) and the consistent tension and drama between her parents (who never divorced) while she was growing up. Many times, she promised to herself that “As an adult I won’t have kids because they will suffer just like I did”. In addition, she was exposed her entire life into a patriarchal environment where women did not have the same opportunities and rights which inspired her to enhance her masculine side; becoming a mental and very intellectual person, which she understood as a requirement to blend and succeed in this world controlled by men. Finally, we identified a past lifetime where she experienced a lot of pain, sadness, and betrayal from her husband while she was pregnant; her marriage was falling apart and her husband was having affairs openly and clearly didn’t love her, so in that lifetime she promised to herself “I won’t become again as vulnerable as when being pregnant to avoid suffering in the same way”. All these different wounded past selves and wealth of subconscious psychic contracts were sabotaging her conscious intention to get pregnant. These subconscious defense mechanisms and inner promises meant to protect her and long forgotten would just not allow her body to get pregnant; the inner mandate was “avoid getting pregnant at all costs”. She was trying different medical treatments, natural supplements, and therapy but nothing seemed to work.
Working on these traumatic experiences and clearing all the programs and stuck emotions that supported the trauma for such a long time, she was able to connect more with her feminine side, the cysts disappeared, her menstrual cycle became regular, her relationship with her mother improved dramatically and finally she was able to get pregnant and to have a healthy baby boy with no medical fertility treatment or intervention.
Example 2 - Love relationships: years ago, I had as a client a man in his early 30’s who was very ambitious and only wanted to focus our sessions on his career and success. I noticed in the 1st session that a blocked heart chakra hence. I suggested working on healing that chakra, indicating it would influence other areas as well, but he refused and wanted to focus only on career and finances. He was not interested in love relationships and apparently, he was enjoying being a single guy who was only open to casual, non-committed relationships. He feared involving his heart or bringing drama into his personal life. Another thing I identified in him is that he was not happy and content with his life even though he was doing very well professionally and financially “living the dream life”, but deep down he was feeling lonely, unfulfilled, and afraid of having his heart broken again. He was using online dating services to meet women, but he was only attracting those who were interested in his money and status. Due to previous negative experiences, he had made an internal promise to himself that to have a life free of suffering and drama “he was not going to get involved in a serious love relationship and that he will keep his heart closed so that anybody would be able to hurt him again”.
After a few sessions we were able to open deeper layers of wounds as his inner child was holding a lot of resentment and rejection towards his father who was absent and addicted to recreational drugs and alcohol. In addition, his school environment was very toxic and superficial and from a very young age he learnt to suppress his negative feelings and to put on a social mask. Growing up, he witnessed his parents struggling as a couple and eventually divorcing which affected him very deeply. Finally, we identified many past experiences in which he felt betrayed by people he trusted, making it hard for him to trust, a tendency aggravated in the end of his last committed love relationship almost a decade ago.
Once we were able to heal his inner child and to clear the negative programs that he was holding within (contracts and limiting beliefs) from the different negative experiences, I saw him transforming into a different man: happiness and light in his eyes. He felt inspired to trust again, improving his relationship with his father and after a few months he effortlessly found the right woman for him and they are now married. Had he not cleared his past wounds, he would continue to sabotage the love and companionship area of his life.
Example 3 - Finances: one woman in her mid-30’s who was working hard to grow professionally and to save money for her future, was struggling with her career choices facing unfulfilling jobs and with abusive managers. She was manifesting unexpected expenses that drained her income and was not able to save money or get out of debt. In her efforts to earn more money she will be always involved in different courses to upgrade her professional skills and proactively networking with people in other companies to find better work opportunities for herself, but nothing will work. She was dealing with high levels of stress, anxiety, insomnia, weight gain and depression. She was sacrificing working extra hours and even skipping her lunch breaks to keep her job safe and to earn her boss’s approval. She always felt that she didn’t have the same opportunities to grow professionally because of her family background (Hispanic), level of education (undergraduate degree) and gender (female). These 3 examples are limiting beliefs.
When we started working together, I found she had a lot of insecurities about different aspects of herself (physically, emotionally, and intellectually) from being bullied at home and at school, she tended to suppress negative feelings and to cope with them by eating carbs and sugar. She had internal promises (we call these psychic contracts) that say “I will have a low-profile life and I will prefer not to be seen by others in order to avoid judgement, criticism and rejection”.
Growing up her father (patriarchal archetype) clearly showed a preference for other siblings, so she had a strong need to earn positive feedback from authority such as teachers in school and bosses at work by putting a lot of time and effort in those relationships. Later sessions uncovered blockages from her religious background and even a past lifetime in which she had made vows of poverty.
After several months of healing and clearing she regained confidence and self-esteem. She was able to find another job in a higher position, with a better schedule, closer location, and higher salary than any of her previous jobs. On top of that, her bosses started to manifest respect and support towards her. On a physical level she lost weight, she was able to sleep well at night and was able to drastically reduce her levels of stress. After only one year of working in that new job she was promoted, and she was able to pay her debt quickly and start saving. In this case the main aspects that were sabotaging her were low deserve ability, insecurities and religious blockages (such as “all rich people are bad people”).
Example 4 - Spiritual Growth: a man in his early 40’s contacted me seeking help to find his life purpose in this lifetime. Every time that he would ask himself that question, he would feel confused, deeply sad, frustrated, unfulfilled and overwhelmed. Despite being accomplished in many areas he felt the spiritual part was blocked. At the beginning he had a lot of blockages that made it difficult even to start working together, such us feeling a lot of resistance to follow through and to make an appointment, forgetting our appointment, falling asleep in the middle of the session, and feeling very distracted while having a session. All these examples are common forms of unconscious resistance and sabotage. During the first session I found several dark entities creating strong blockages in his following chakras: crown, 3rd eye, heart and solar plexus. He was holding strong feelings against GOD because he would allow horrible things to happen to innocent people. Growing up he had witnessed a lot of religious people being fake and doing horrible things to kids and teenagers. He had concluded that religion was equal to spirituality and that if he would be a spiritual person, he would become like the other people he knew, so he found safety in atheism; allowing himself to feel a deeper connection only in time spent in nature.
In addition, we identified a past lifetime in Spain in the late 1200’s in which he was a spiritual leader persecuted by the inquisition and eventually arrested, tortured and killed for not complying. Before dying in that lifetime, he felt betrayed and abandoned by the people who shared with him the same beliefs and with GOD (Great Spirit – Creator of everything that exists) for allowing him to be captured, punished, and killed in this harsh way. I found in his consciousness some limiting beliefs such as “the darkness is more powerful than the light” and “the light (GOD) doesn’t exist”. Also, he had to clear many contracts such as: “I will never allow myself to trust the light again” and “I will choose with the mind rather than the heart to avoid making wrong choices again”. All these aspects that we found, explained why he was so blocked in his crown chakra and had so much resistance at the beginning of our work together. After clearing those limiting programs, removing the dark entities and healing his wounded past selves, he finally was able to connect with his spirituality in a non-religious way, now able to open his heart and become a more emotional and intuitive man. It was a great experience for me to witness his transformation.
These are just a few examples that show how powerful our self sabotager within can be; a key milestone in anyone’s spiritual path will include uncovering these areas and bringing them to light and healing.
I do hope that this message can inspire you to begin or continue your path of healing the self sabotager within and to achieve a more fulfilling life.
From my heart to yours, I wish you lots of light, love, and healing.
Roberto Játiva